Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Okay, I said I was going to do captions ...but dialogue is not exactly my forte, so since I would never consider keeping anyone captive, I'm telling you now there are no captions. I am going to instead opt for character description and analysis.

Comic books have also mastered, on their own plane, the art of keeping the reader's interest (I have not).  They use drama and interests similar to other modes of telling stories ...whether fiction books, TV, movies.

Two techniques commonly used are competition and conflict ...either it is more than one person wanting the same thing, or danger and fear of losing something. The greatest loss, of course, would be one's life ...or another's life that one feels is of greater worth than your own.  And of course, this is described as romance.

Donald Duck had a competitive romance ...both he and his first cousin, Gladstone Gander, having a romantic interest in Daisy Duck.  It made it interesting, since we were not to assume that Donald & Daisy were not going to just naturally end up like Mike & Carol.  You may not know who Mike & Carol are ...perhaps you are more familiar with Greg, Peter, and Bobby; and Marsha, Jan, and Cindy.  But, Huey, Dewey, and Louie together with April, May, and June ...were not to be the cartoon model for the Brady Bunch.

Competitive romance may make for a captivating story, but like I said, I am not trying to hold you captive, nor do I think competitive romance is a good thing.  I think that King David, Solomon, and even Jacob with his two wives Leah and Rachel ...would agree that perhaps it would be best not to ruffle a few tail feathers.

But, that's what Donald and his cousin did.
Gladstone is one of the main characters I want to look at.  Most of these quotes are from Carl Barks: "Gladstone is a lazy and infuriatingly lucky goose who never fails to upset his first cousin Donald Duck. Gladstone's luck defies probability and provides him with anything he desires, with hardly the need of effort."  

As Don Rosa has commented on the character: "Gladstone is unwilling to make the slightest effort to gain something that his luck cannot give him, and, when things go wrong, he resigns immediately, certain that around the next corner a wallet, dropped by a passer-by, will be waiting for him".  

"For all his luck Gladstone has no achievements to be proud of and no true ambitions, as he is incapable of long-term planning. All of this is in stark contrast to his relative Scrooge McDuck, who is also capable of taking advantage of opportunities but works hard to create situations favorable for him, is strongly motivated by his ambitions and takes pride in forming his fortune by his own efforts."

Gryo Gearloose invents more things than Thomas Edison did.

All the others are amazed by what he invents, but it is not so impressive as it was when I was a child.

What amazes me today, is how the theory of evolution was invented.  But, even more so, I'm sadly amazed at how many of you have fallen for such half-baked fabricated theories.          .

Yet, today, anyone who believes that God created us thought of as a Dimwitty ...or has a 'gear loose'.

"Dimwitty is incredibly clumsy but he's loyal and subservient, and maybe that's the reason why Moby keeps him as his ship hand."

Many people are not particularly known for their brain, but valued for their service.  Sadly, it is not an uncommon insult to say, "He doesn't have a brain of his own."  But, it's not always who has the brain to lead ...often it's who has the brain to know Whom we should follow.

I guess I'm not going to stay with ducks after all ...though I will make the link.  Man's best friend may not be duck's best friend, especially since a dog is a good companion for duck hunting.  But, here they weren't hunting for ducks, but for the richest duck's money.  And all other dogs like Pluto and Goofy were friends to the ducks and mice.  Only the masked bandits, or escaped convicts ...the Beagle boys, were constantly after Scrooge's money.

In the fall of 2011, there was momentum for an 'Occupy' movement.  It was not a new idea.  Way before that, the Beagle Boys wanted to 'occupy' Scrooge's money bin.  But, there has always been the lust for something we don't have. Yet still, there is something more serious than this.  The Beagle Boys had an attitude that is also a growing sentiment today.  It is the attitude that if we can't have something, we don't want anyone else to have it either.

But, it goes even further than this.  We have built and supported institutions which promote ideologies that work to achieve two very destructive things: 1) To attempt to recreate the truth; and 2) To try to destroy the credibility of anyone who disagrees.  

Why is this?  Well, for one seems to aid in eliminating the consciousness of guilt.

New testimony from a doctor in England shows the Liverpool Care Pathway is being used for infants. Writing in the British Medical Journal, the unnamed doctor described the end-of-life procedures used in the case of a baby born with “a lengthy list of unexpected congenital anomalies.” The doctor indicated he presided over ten such cases in the neo-natal unit of one hospital alone and he goes into excruciating detail how the process could take an average of ten days during which the infant becomes “smaller and shrunken.”
There has been unbelievable attempts to eliminate guilt over the carnage of abortion sweeping across our nation each year.  Now, this report from the UK tells me that the horrific actions being uncovered reveal an attitude beyond the classification of 'criminal'.  Just hearing of such horrors as these, I know there would be a flood of decent people out there who would step forward to volunteer offer everything they have to help avoid these most heinous actions from being carried out.  But, the decent people aren't always the ones making the laws or political choices.  I pray that decency remains in the hearts of the majority of people.

The criminal element often loudly protests that they are wrongly judged, when it may be they are correctly nudged.  We all do things wrong ...the difference lies in how we respond when the truth is brought to our attention.  And that difference was shown in the actions of King Saul, who was continually tormented contrast to King David, who entertained denial too long, but who repented when it was clearly brought to his attention.

Some of us are like those described in the Book of Kings, and probably more of us are like those we read about that lived before that. We've become too much like they became in the Book of Judges, seeing merely what was right in their own eyes, instead of seeing the direction of God.
You may think I've lost my direction, but I haven't.  It's just that the path I took was not labeled by mile markers.  I know that I've got a long way to go yet, and I'm hoping you"ll go with me.

The reason I began this blog, is to attempt to explain what I had set out to answer in another blog, entitled, "Why do bad things happen?"  (

There was a time when there was no bad ...everything was good.  "And God saw the light, that it was good ...the first day."  "...and God saw that it was good ...and God saw that it was good ...the third day."  " ...and God saw that it was good ...the fourth day."  " ...and God saw that it was good ...the fifth day."  " ...and God saw that it was good ...And God saw everything that he made, and behold, it was very good ...the sixth day."   So, if God saw it as good, and said it was good, then that's good enough for me.

I guess part of the good is to give us a choice.  Without a choice, we would be just robots. While writing blogs, on many occasions I've received a notice instructing me to prove I'm not a robot.

Most of us would be angry if we didn't have choices ...but we want the choices to be also of our choosing.

The problem with choices is that they are somewhat like Adam, and somewhat like atoms. On the Eve of this discussion, let me instead mention the election of 2008; no, I mean, the electrons in an atom.  When they are excited they bump up to a higher level.  
But, as we say, what goes up, must come down ...and with electrons, as they bounce back down they release energy.  We often find it very exciting to reach those higher levels, but we release lots of energy when we fall back.  We can get upset with ourselves, or we can get upset with others ...but ultimately the healthy path is to resolve to learn from our choices.  And we should also learn one important fact: That the choices God made, when He made us and the environment we live in ...those choices are 'good' for us; and those choices against God are not good ...and are described as sin.

So, in choosing to live the way we should live ...we may not be too wise, but should be wise enough to know Whom we should follow.  
And our main focus in life is that we should testify of Whom to follow.  

Yes, this world is filled with sin, and tremendous evil and wickedness.  But, we are told there is another place that will create no conflict for us that way, like the first 'good', before the choice was made to go against the 'good', by choosing for self.  That was Lucifer or Satan, however you'd like to refer to him ...but I don't know much, but this much I do know, that he will not be in the future 'good' place ...the promised place I try to tell people about.

Perhaps you thought that I've forgotten the point I said I was going to make ...but that's only because there are no mile markers on this path.  But, I assure you that I have not 'ducked' out of my commitment.  
The reason I've brought up these cartoon characters is to look at the type of characters we usually look to.  If we are to glorify God, and testify to His glory ...and the promises of salvation, we must share with others.  We all have something to share that is of value ...just as long as our focus does not stray from the One who will make it all 'good' again.

Some people have been heard to say, "It's not our job, it's the job of the church and the pastor!" They are saying it is not our responsibility ...and I would agree.  It's not our responsibility's our ultimate privilege.

There are those we may find it difficult to talk to.  Yet, I know some people that can talk to just about anyone it seems the hindrance may just be in us.  Yes, we all have different personalities ...and seems our world can never quite shed off all the biases and prejudices, but it we try to look beyond ourselves we may just be able to shed it like water off a duck's back. 

Okay, this is my perspective:
Scrooge finds his greatest pleasure in life diving into his money.  He is not alone.  Many of us like to dive into our wallets.  And if nothing is there, there's always a credit card.  But don't forget, many like Scrooge have had meager beginnings.  Scrooge started out with a penny. Perhaps we could share those stories, and get back to the things that have made us what we are today ...and humbly stand with thanksgiving to God.  Yes, Scrooge has gotten carried away ...and it has probably hurt his witness.  But, there is much good that can be done if he just takes inventory of something else, other than money.  It's called reevaluation of self.  But, it's not just for Scrooge's for us all.

Gyro is a good worker and a good thinker, otherwise he wouldn't be able to invent things.  The thing for a good thinker to continue to do, is think of good things.  The Book of Philippians 4:8, says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  We can encourage people to invent things that are helpful, but we can also be helpful to show interest and share in things that we didn't invent ...such as kindness, and the love of God.

Dimwitty is loyal ...which is something of high value.  But, there is something more valuable than loyalty.  We can be extremely loyal to a 'party' or organization ...and some may not even be good.  But, it seems that those we often have a 'dim' view of may have more going for them in the long run.  It seems their focus has less of a tendency to drift. They may not have as high of aspirations, but they can look to Him who is on High.  Like I said, "'s not always who has the brain to lead ...often it's who has the brain to know Whom we should follow."  It's often called discretion ...and the 'Whom' we should call upon, is Jesus.

The Beagle Boys may be difficult to reach, but as they reach prison ...there are prison ministries, and though they may not have a lock on their spirit, being locked up has a tendency to help you refocus ...and there are less distractions, if the guards are doing their job.  It is best if we see the tendencies early and help to avoid going down that path not joining in the activities and distractions.  As Tempe Brown spoke, it is better to testify of Jesus ...than someone testifying against us.  If they are going to testify against us, let it be because of the love of Jesus that we show.  Maybe then, they will be convicted. Persecution is not welcomed, but it does come in many forms.  Salvation only comes one way ...through Jesus.
We all want to be a testimony to Jesus.  Sadly, we look at this world too much through the eyes of comparison.  That's why it's difficult with the Gladstone Ganders of this world ...either being like him, or envying what he has.  Worse yet, would be to not necessarily envy him ...but to detest him. Gladstone is probably not really that glad.  He is possibly supported by this empty striving and false images of what he should be.  And there is a tendency for others to hate this.  But, it's not always an empty striving ...sometimes God puts us in the place we need to be, though we don't always know why.  Maybe we aren't like Gladstone, and it is not a false way we are.  And it is my belief that God has a plan for both Gladstone and those who don't like his type.  In the Bible, Joseph's brothers wanted to drag him down ...and they kind of let their dad believe that Joseph had kicked the bucket.  But, later that bucket could be filled with grain.

My wife retells a story that Pastor Tom told:  Pastor talked about how crabs, when in a bucket, will not allow one another to escape. If one is in the bucket alone, it can climb out, but with two or more, they will pull the would be escapee back down. How true is that of people? When I became a Christian there were those that scoffed, teased, ridiculed, and cast their doubts and disapproval. The Bible says that with God, we will 'Mount up with wings as EAGLES!' Eagles have a vantage point of freedom. Don't be a crab, holding others back and keeping them trapped. Help others soar like eagles...
Soar. and try not to be sore if your wings get clipped, and you fall ...get back up and rise above it if you can, but don't put others down.

If you don't know "Life Happens!" ...then check out a bumper sticker. The question could be: Why wouldn't bad things happen to good people? And though I'd not find it too difficult to label what is bad would not be consistent with my heart to label people. Neither do not judge people ...though that does not exclude me from the discussion over what is right according to what God has told us in His Word. I believe God is ready for us to turn to Him, and ready to forgive our behavior ...when it is not consistent with what He asks us to be. So, it's more nudge, than judge.

There is nothing wrong with asking the question of why bad things happen. It's just perhaps a better question to ask, ourselves, "How am I going to respond to to it." People are observing us, whether it be our children, our friends, or our new neighbors ...and they see how we react. It is an opportunity to rise up and soar among the mountain tops ...or make that bucket echo.

And, once again, it's a choice.

We may not choose what happens to us, and may not even contribute to it in any way, but we can contribute much to being a testimony.

Some people like to cross their fingers, afraid of what may happen...instead, go to the cross, where Jesus gives all meaning to life ...and we all can give Him our all.

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